No under 18s

5 vs 5 Social Match

Sun May 19, 17:00 - Sun May 19, 18:00

Fives Futbol


Looking for people to play some Football with?

Join our next match, alone or even with a friend.

It's just a casual and fun game, so no need to be Messi or Ronaldo to play with us.

How does it work?

  • You don't need a team, players will be assigned randomly
  • A maximum of 20 people can join and are divided into 2 teams of 10 players
  • Only 5 players at a time for each team and additional players can be used as rolling subs
  • The Match duration is 60 minutes.

*A cooler box with refreshments will be available during and after the game


5 vs 5 Social Match
Fives Futbol
-33.923357, 18.423667, 35 Keerweder St, Foreshore, Cape Town, 8001
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