No under 18s

Nature Observation and Phenomenology

Tue Sep 3, 19:00 - Tue Oct 8, 20:30

Event is online


In this module, we will explore the practice of Goethean observation which focuses on developing ways of looking that attempt to remain faithful to the object of observation while paying attention to the very activity of our looking.

Through a range of nature observation exercises, we will practice entering into a form of curious conversation with what we observe, learning to bring ourselves into dialogue in an engaged and receptive way. The exercises will include returning to a place (daily sit-spot), careful plant observation, drawing, writing and recall.

By practising, and paying attention to different ways of looking, we aim to develop capacities of seeing where through our curious and rigorous observation we remain open and receptive to what emerges, allowing the phenomenon of what we observe to be revealed.


We ask for a once-off registration fee of R100 / 5 Euro per participant and module, and then for further donations according to individual possibility. As a guideline we suggest the following amounts per session: participants in Africa - between R80 and R120; participants from Europe between 10 and 15 Euros per session.